Friday, November 16, 2012

I was at NCFC2012!

So, I was fairly absent from most of the internet lately, and it's because of this:

The Nintendo Community Fangame Convention. I was handling the Livestream for it, much like last year.

I had quite a bit of fun with the promotional skits and such. I also did a few Live streams of fangames. They may be up on my Youtube sooner or later.

Attendance wasn't as high as 2011. Apparently the Mario folks didn't all realize it was happening. Aw, well! There's always next year.

Black Wii U 32GB Deluxe Console w/ Game Pad and Nintendo Land - Wii U Console (Google Affiliate Ad)


Thursday, November 1, 2012

I hate not having electricity. :(

If anyone wants to know why there was a sudden lack of me on any sites the past... 3 days, you can blame Sandy.
I'm kinda trying to catch up with the rest of the internet now, but I want to have an update to the actual Satellablog sooner or later.

BTW, I suppose no one here wants to buy an overpriced Wikipedia-copying book, no? Well, it seems there's quite a bit like this one. Maybe I could've read this when the power was out while I was being bored to death. 
Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai H Seki (Google Affiliate Ad)


Articles on the New Satellablog

Check out the latest Pico Palace articles, too!